Welcome to The New Lebanon TV

A new, uplifting experience to media

We here at TNL believe that watching the news or consuming content on social media  shouldn't have to be draining or depressing... especially when talking about a place we love!

Lebanon is full of life, incredible people, and opportunity: you just have to know where to look ;)

And that's why we're here: to bring you stories that will empower you to create positive change in your life, empathize deeper, and expand your awareness on important Lebanese issues: without the constant typical news cycle that leaves you feeling hopeless and powerless. At TNL we promise to not only deliver you the important stories, but also show you how you can take ACTION to change what you see! 

We are better together. Welcome to the TNL family!

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The TNL family is all about aiding you in your journey to becoming the best version of yourself, the healthiest, mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, and financially that you can be while living in Lebanon or supporting Lebanon from abroad. We do this by highlighting the Lebanese people who are making a change and connecting you with their knowledge and specialities so you can gain an edge above the rest.

In this next generation, we hope to see a free and fair Lebanon that gives equal rights to all, has proper accountability measures to all those in power, offers green spaces with a healthy environment to all of Lebanon's dwellers, allows for a strong economy that promotes entrepreneurship, and one that promotes the practice of good mental health hygiene and the stopping of generational trauma through education on parenting best-practices.

In subscribing to our channel, you will leave educated and empowered in each of these areas.


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Founder, CEO, & Presenter of The New Lebanon TV

 An ex-mainstream media news reporter turned independent journalist and storyteller Ani Kasparian decided to start her own media group with the skills she learned to produce content with a mission of healing, education, and empathy. In December 2022 she packed up her life in the USA and moved to Lebanon because she believes in the immense potential of Lebanon and its future generations. Seeing how traditional media evoked fear and hate, Ani hopes her media group will be the catapult for empathetic discussions and self awareness.

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